Tag: Cure

The Cure.

This is what I did for inquiry today.

here is what I have written.


The Cure.


Marcus was a successful man who had been working at the biggest research lab: The National Institute of health. He had been trying to discover the cure for cancer ever since his wife got cancer, he had been working day and night on trying to get a cure but had no luck.


“Marcus? MARCUS!”

“What Plumothy…” 

“You can’t keep sleeping in your office. I know you’re trying hard to discover the cancer cure but we need you to help Jack, you are his assistant. Replied Mr Plumothy.

“Just go away, Plumothy.” said Marcus

“I have had ENOUGH honestly GET up or you’re fired.” Yelled Plumothy

Marcus had a shocked expression on face.

“Alright- Alright.”

Marcus went to Jack and helped him do some paperwork.

He was unsatisfied with how he got treated and sneaked back into the main laboratory, and worked the hardest he ever had to find a cure, he had nearly got it but then he heard footsteps from a far, will he be found…